Strengthening Families Program
Mariners Inn’s Strengthening Families Program is dedicated to educating and counseling the families of clients in substance abuse treatment. To strengthen family support for the client and prevent relapse, the Strengthening Families Program holds orientation workshops for family and friends to educate them on addiction and the treatment process, as well as counseling in which family members reflect and discuss the changes they need to make in support of the addict’s recovery.
The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is an evidence-based program designed to reunite clients with their families, educate their children on the disease of addiction, and teach parenting skills.

Strong! Healthy! Empowered! (SHE)
Mariners Inn’s SHE Program is a skill development program for young women ages 14-21, SHE focuses on building a positive understanding of self-worth. Some areas of focus include: mentorship, community based projects, and counseling.

Residential Youth Prevention Program
Mariners Inn RYPP for young men ages 18-29, who are in imminent danger of falling into homelessness, drug addictions, and/or criminal behavior. Our program houses young men up to 90 days in a residential setting and provides individual therapy, drug prevention classes, vocational assistance, and more.
Upon entry men are assigned a counselor and together they work towards developing their Independence Plan. The Independence Plan is a holistic wellness plan focusing on areas such as mental health, physical health, education, family, and housing.

To learn more about our programs or to register contact: Stefanie Alston-Sims, Prevention Director
(313) 962-9446 ext. 249 or